The exhibition presentation/representation presents ten positions in contemporaryGerman photography. After a long periodduring which the first generation of Berndand Hilla Becher’s former students from theKunstakademie Düsseldorf left their markon the field of photography in both thenational and international art world, a livelyand heterogeneous photography scene hasemerged, one which cannot be said to stemfrom any single educational institution orregion or be assigned to any predominantstyle.
The artists in presentation/representation are members of a generation now around50 years old who have been pursuing theirartistic work for more than twenty years.Many have lived and worked in Western andEastern Germany. The increasingsignificance of the Hochschule für Grafikund Buchkunst in Leipzig, along with theKunstakademie in Düsseldorf, has heraldedthis evolution in the German photographyscene.
This exhibition is a collaboration betweenSungkok Art Museum, Institut fürAuslandsbeziehungen (IfA) and GoetheInstitut Korea